Thursday, May 14, 2009

High School Graduation

Reports say that pretty much all area high schools will conduct their high school graduations this weekend. Usually they are split up between a couple of weekends here in May, but alas schedules have meshed together to possibly, and probably, cause some extended families to make decisions and split up in different directions.

Marysville's graduation is Sunday. Not being from Marysville, and only living here a few years, I have never attended a Marysville pomp and circumstance. We are invited again this year, so we'll see if this is the year I make it to the Homer Hanson Stadium, or just pass go and go to the afterparty! :)

So, congratulations to the graduates of the area high schools: Marysville, Valley Heights, Frankfort, Centralia, Axtell, B&B, Southern, Diller-O'Dell, Washington, Hanover, Linn, and __________ (insert your high school's name).

What a great time of year for these young people! Sieze the day!

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