Saturday, August 9, 2008

Why a blog? What IS a blog?

Okay, I am here at home listening to my dear beloved husband on the radio doing the Partyline call-in show this morning (AM1570 M-Sat 9:35-10:00), and, although technically promoting the new addition of the blog, he is also totally dissing it! LOL Okay, not really, but it triggers a topic needing discussion:

What IS a Blog????

Good question. I suppose if you ask a dozen different bloggers you will probably get a dozen different reasons why they personally blog. A blog is an online journal basically. Whereas journals historically were normally somewhat private, online blog journals are many times accessible for others to read (or not).

I personally actually have two blogs for my own interests. I use them both to share different aspects of some interests of mine. I post more family information and photos of our daughter, what we do, etc., on one of them that I share with my mom and sister, who both live away from the Marysville area. I do this primarily so they can see pictures of Allison, keep up on her activities, and feel connected to their granddaughter and niece.

When we traveled on vacation at the beginning of this year, we took the laptop along. I recorded in one of the blogs each evening the activities that we did that day, to record them not only to remember what we did, but also to share with family members who were back home, wondering what we were up to.

Many in the communications industry (radio & television) use blogs to make another type of connection with the public. Some of the topics have legitimate news value to them, and others are just for fun.

So, what is a blog? Why have a blog? I suppose each individual has to answer that question for himself/herself.'s fun! :)

Your KNDY Blogger

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