Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Day of Remembrance

So, where were you seven years ago today?

Before September 11, 2001, I remember being in discussions where people would recollect where they were when JFK was assassinated, or when the first manned space ship landed on moon and man walked on the moon, when the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, etc. I couldn't relate to what they were talking about because I either wasn't born yet or I was a toddler. Nothing of this magnitude ever had really occurred in my lifetime or at least in my memory. I was a young child who didn't understand when Vietnam was getting over with. I was 10 or 11 years old in 1976 when the Bicentennial...a happy occasion, but I don't remember it that well. I had a few more memories of the American hostages in Iran in the late 70s/early 80s.

However, when the planes rammed into the World Trade Center and Pentagon, and yet another plowed to the ground in Pennyslvania, I was an adult...I was teaching up at the junior high school that morning. People/kids came into the room and said that other teachers had the televisions on in their rooms, turn ours on.... I couldn't believe what images were coming from the screen. We, as a nation, had NO idea what was happening. We were the mighty, powerful United States!

Wow! The emotion....the fear.....the unknown..... My folks, who normally are pretty close to their home base, actually were visiting my aunt in California when this happened. I remember hating the fact that they were "stuck" out there as airlines were grounded for whatever time period it was. I wanted family close, to know that they were safe. A girlfriend from back home was actually even in Mexico getting married, planning to fly back into the states like the next day, but were unable to, and the stresses and difficulties that came from so many questions, compounded by where to stay, how long, when or if they could fly back home, etc.

I am not a huge fan of flying, now or in the past. The first time we boarded an airplane following 9-11, which was actually three months later when Bruce and I flew to Miami to board a cruise ship for our honeymoon. We've flown several times in these past seven years, and each and every time I must admit I am still haunted (but that just may be me).

Bruce and I were able to travel to New York City last summer, and one of the stops we did make was Ground Zero. Honestly, at this point in history, if you didn't know what had taken place, you wouldn't know what happened. It is "just" a construction site now...working on building the subway lines underground while we were there. I just heard today on the news that many New Yorkers are now getting frustrated with the length of time it is taking the city to get this project moving along a memorial, is that right? If you get a chance to visit Ground Zero and/or New York City, be sure to visit the little church down the street which was a haven for fire fighters to take refuge and rest in the hours and days following this event. Another point to see is in Central Park near the area for embarkation to go to the Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island tours -- there is a piece of iron sculpture which was salvaged and now sits in a park area --- you can see the damage and the ugliness from the day, but the SURVIVAL of the whole! Very moving!
It is definitely a day to use as a day of remembrance. Sometimes, being situated where we are, in the middle of the country, it's harder to really get a good feel or a good handle on what it was like in New York, Washington or Pennyslvania that day or any other day. We are daily moving to a much smaller world thanks to the internet and other technology. I subscribe to several different listserves and groups for different interests, and there has been a lot of chatter about 9-11 recently of course. With that comes contributions and personal information from people dirctly affected, who either worked in the WTC and was gone that day; who had 7 friends who were killed that day; who watched the fire trucks come and go; etc.

It's been a day to remember............

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