Sunday, September 28, 2008

So, what's new? What's been happening?

I was getting ready to type, "Wow, it sure has been busy around here," and then I thought that just sounds so....oh, I don't know, like I'm making an excuse or something (which is probably true). When did we all get soooo busy?

Allison and I went down to the City Park Friday night for the United Bank Homecoming Tailgate party. What a wonderful event! There was a good crowd there, as there always seems to be each year. Thank you to United Bank for sponsoring such a fun activity. Bruce came down and did a live interview with the football coach for Coach's Corner, so Allison got to see Daddy at work.

Saturday morning found Bruce doing Partyline and Allison was able to talk on the air for a little bit. It's so much fun to be out and about, and for people to say "We heard you on the radio," or "We heard you on Partyline." Allison will be four years old in a couple of weeks, and she feels at home behind the microphone. Do we have a radio personality in training?

As a family, we were able to go downtown then late Saturday morning. We started at the library to return our books and get some new ones. We decided to walk down the mainstreet. It was a beautiful day. There was not a lot of activity, and not many folks downtown. It was nice to be able to stop in at Reflections and Ar-EX, see the Porch Swing was open; we had a really nice lunch at Pony Expresso. Marysville is a lovely little town with a lot of charm. I would urge you to take some time and just stroll your hometown.

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