Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What to blog about.....hmmmmmm

Hello readers....(knock, knock, knock....anyone out there?) If you were, you probably aren't any longer, huh? It's been almost a month since I made a post. Why?
1. I can't think of anything new and terribly interesting, and attention grabbing, to write about.
2. For some reason or the other, it has been incredibly busy at our house...Allison had her 4th birthday, we had a couple of parties, subbing, working, volunteering, etc. yada yada yada....
3. Because I can't think of anything thought provoking, I'm using the busy-ness as an excuse! LOL

So, what's up?

Let's see.....
*Election day is just a couple of weeks away....Thank goodness! If you are like me, you are getting terribly tired of hearing all of the fighting and nitpicking flying between some of the candidates on the state and national level. Can anyone really make a difference and make the changes we desperately need?
*Locally, USD 364 is going to try to pass the bond issue again this election day. I really haven't heard as much about it this time around, just that they were opening the schools up on Sunday afternoons for tours. Is attendance good on those tours?
*The economy basically tanked...terribly scary.... I'm so glad we live in the midwest where generally we are more conservative and didn't necessarily (hopefully) feel the total brunt....yet... I hope it's all on the way back up.
*Weather....fall is here and cooler weather is too....later this week Topeka weather folks are forecasting spitting snowy showers Thursday night. Dig out the electric blankets and heavy coats!
*Flu shots....everywhere I turn around, people are talking about flu shots. Are you getting one? I haven't had one since I was teaching in the public school setting. Do I need one this year?
*Entertainment news .... what's up with Madonna? Midlife crisis? A western movie is out - Appaloosa; and High School Musical Senior Year is almost here.
*Have you seen the Astro Theater in Marysville this week? I LOVE what I'm seeing happening there! The "fake" facade has been removed from part of the building, and what I assume to be the original ornate front is showing. If the plan is to spruce it up, it will be beautiful. How neat!

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