Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Multi tasking

It's a big day!

Election day and high school football night...and Kiwanis Pancake day, too, of course!

Right now, as I sit here with the laptop sitting on the footstool in my living room, the TV is tuned to ABC television, watching the national election results, listening to another radio station broadcasting a football game on one radio, and of course our radio station on another radio broadcasting the Valley Heights game, sending my husband periodic emails on updates of scores, and any results, etc., that I can find, as he sits over at the radio station managing his end of things. Thus how our lives go every now and again when there are a lot of things going on that need to be on the air. Allison is feeling neglected every now and again, of course, but she has found her babydolls and is getting solace and comfort with them right now.

I am SOOOO ready for the presidental elections to be completed and it is kind of interesting watching the results on television. I think we all pretty much know how it is going turn out. It is going to be historic however it does happen to turn out...either the first black man as president or the first woman as vice president. It is a big night.

In talking today, we just wish that whomever gets elected tonight had a magic wand that could fix all of the problems of the US and the world. Unfortunately it's not that easy. Whomever takes over in January will face an uphill, steeply uphill battle, in righting this topsy turvy economy.

On a more local level, statewide, initially the report I heard was that Jim Slattery was leading Pat Roberts; since then it has turned around, and I believe that Pat Roberts has been declared the winner again. I think that was expected again, too, but hopefully he was humbled a bit and remember whom he is working for in the Congress.

On a very local level, we shall find out soon how the school bond issue is going to end up...will the voters' pass it this time around? We'll soon see.

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