Friday, November 7, 2008

"The Fallout"

...of the elections, of course.

No, I haven't felt them yet. Of course, I've been avoiding the national news, and the local and state news, too, I suppose. Heck, I didn't even listen to the weather forecast on Wednesday when I took Allison to Topeka to see Sesame Street Live and it RAINED on us!!!! I guess I'm being an ostrich, but sometimes life is easier that way, huh?

First, the national headlines....I think we all knew who was going to win the presidential election. I am pleased that we lived in a historically significant time in American when a black man was elected president. It is significant. I also wish him luck. He has a long, tough road ahead of him. Not only with all of the issues facing him, but two, I believe, white supremists were bound over for trial for threatening to kill Barack Obama and other blacks. Geez! That just sickens me!

Second, who is really in control of these United States of America? The President or the Congress? Congress... Which Nancy Pelosi wasted no time Wednesday morning making known some of things she would like to see get done.

Third, on a local level, USD 364 voters turned down, almost 2:1 again, the $25M bond issue. Are they going to try it a third time without trimming it down? It sounds that way. Third times a charm?

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