Monday, November 10, 2008

Teaching an old dog.....

I have a might be considered an obsession....I scrapbook! Okay, if there are any men reading this, bear with me, I am not going to blab on about scrapbooking...I'm using it as a tool in my entry today. IMO, hobbies are EXTREMELY important! They provide an outlet for creativity perhaps as mine does; it provides a stress release opportunity; it provides an opportunity to perhaps get together with friends or even to meet new people who share the same interests. It also, unfortunately, can be a way for person and money to part ways. Some hobbies can be costly (just ask my husband...or on second thought...DON'T! LOL)

I love to browse other folks' blogs, and that's what gave me the topic for today. I came across one of my scrapbooking blogs that I look at periodically, and the author was writing about reuse and recycling. We recycle at our house (thanks to my husband....he's big into recycling items collection and making the monthly trip to the drop off point). He is also really good about reuse...reusing those things that still has a life....that is why I find those folded up pieces of aluminum foil in the drawer by the mish mash of ziploc baggies!....and the foled up paper towels stuck in the dispenser.

The following is an excerpt from the blog that caught my eye:

"Fix it Up
Wear it Out
Make Do or
Do Without"

"My great-grandmother Francis Meyer Gramlich was often known to say these four lines. I am so glad to hear they are resonating with a new generation in a new era. Americans do take up a very large footprint on the world of material goods. Perhaps we can minimize that impact --one home at a time. Let's use those Seven R's: Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Refurbish. Redo. Repurpose and Renovate." ~Rockster from

I admit that I am not the best at any of this....I like new stuff. But....I'm learning. I'm trying to go green. I have my little shopping bags that I've purchased at Dank's and take back each time I go in. I've also started taking them into other stores in the community, and they've all seemed excited when I do that. *The bags at Dank's are the best. They are $1.00 a piece, and they have a bottom square of cardboard stuff that makes the bottom sturdier and they stand up really nice. Heaven knows I hardly ever buy new clothes...So I am "reusing" my clothes and shoes for many many years! Hubby is recycling cardboard, glass, plastic, aluminum cans, newspapers, magazines, etc. The recycling pick up in Marysville is the first Saturday morning of the month (I think until 11:00 a.m.) across from the National Guard Armory, by Lakeview ball fields.

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