Tuesday, November 11, 2008

"Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" comes to NE/NC Kansas

Fans of ABC Television's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition know exactly who Ty Pennington is, and know exactly what he does each Sunday night. This week, a Kansas family, specifically a family from Chapman, fellow NCKL school community, is going to have the "Ty-experience"...and it sounds as if they deserve it.
Following is a story copied from the KAKE-TV ABC Affiliate website out of Wichita, http://www.kake.com/home/headlines/34268614.html:

"Ty Pennington and designers from "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" surprised the Patrick Tutwiler family with the big "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" bus and limousine to inform the family they have been selected for a home build in Chapman.

"The Tutwiler Family, who have been living on a military base ever since their house in Chapman along with much of the town was devastated by a tornado on June 11, 2008.
"Patrick Tutwiler was shot in the neck by an Iraqi sniper and returned home with traumatic brain injury, PTSD, memory loss and speech problems. Less than a year later, their modest home was hit by an F4 tornado. Patrick and his wife Crystal pulled the family into a closet and used their bodies as human shields while the tornado tore the house apart. Patrick, Crystal, their four children and nephew were living on a nearby military base temporarily until Patrick was given his official military discharge.
"Because of Patrick's injuries and his current part-time employment, the family's finances cannot afford to rebuild or purchase a new home. Now it is up to "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" to build this dedicated soldier a safer and stronger place they can call home.
"While Ty and the designers, A local builder coalition of A.F.MC. Construction and Remodeling, Inc. of Salina, Kansas; American Dream Development of Junction City, Kansas; Blixt Construction, L.C. of Chapman, Kansas; Harris Custom Homes LLC of Chapman, Kansas; and Ponton Construction Inc. of Salina, Kansas; and hundreds of volunteers and workers are rebuilding their home, the Tutwiler family will go on vacation. Work crews will work 24 hours a day until the project is done. The family will return on November 18th with viewing in the afternoon.
"The design team for this episode of "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" will feature team leader Ty Pennington and designers Paul DiMeo, Paige Hemmis, Michael Moloney and Ed Sanders.
"The location address is: The Tutwiler Family 330 West 6th, Chapman, Kansas 67431. Spectator viewing locations of the project are available with shuttle transportation from the Kansas Auto Racing Museum.
KAKE will have live reports from Chapman this afternoon. "

What an amazing story of this family; definitely seems like a wonderful recipient for this experience and this home. We wish them all the luck and happiness that it sounds they deserve.

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