Monday, December 15, 2008


Toto, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore! I think Santa came early and took us all to the frigid North Pole with him! Man, oh, man! It is cold today! It was like -3 or so this morning, and I don't think it got much over like 6 or 7 degrees today!

Bailout!?! Loan?!!? Whatever you call it....whadda mess! The car industry is virtually threatening to totally overwhelm the economy even more than it has already been overwhelmed. After bailing out the failed financial institutions, only to have money continue to pour into the pockets of those who got those institutions in trouble in the first place, one has to ask.....where is it going to end???? It is terribly scary. I think we are lucky where we live, and the situations that we virutally can find outselves in. One has to wonder, however, when will it funnel down to us? What is the forecast for the farming economy in 2009? Who would've known 6 months ago what it is looking like right now?

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