Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Corruption and Greed

I just read a news story online at Yahoo News. It is about the Illinois govenor, Rod Blagojevich, who has been arrested due to allegedly scheming to "sell" the senate seat vacated by Barack Obama after his election as president. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081210/ap_on_re_us/illinois_governor_scheming_for_dollars
Now, I am not an expert at politics by any means, nor am I pollyannish enough to think that only good and right is done at the different governmental levels. I know there is corruption at probably every level of government. It nevertheless sickens me to read or hear about such blatant nose-thumbing by high ranking politicians. We, the constituents, put our faith in the people that are elected, and when they do things that are so self-serving, it so disheartening.

Every generation ahead of us has had it's share of scandals and issues, but our world today is just spinning out of control faster and faster, harder and hard. Where will it all end? Will we, as a society, be able to ever be able to regain control of just doing the right thing?

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