Friday, January 23, 2009

A New Beginning

Tuesday, January 20, 2009, was the dawning of a new beginning. Every four to eight years, our nation of course normally experiences such a new beginning to a certain degree. Never, however, in my memory, has one been so eagerly and excitedly anticipated than this one.

I am writing, of course, of the innauguration of our 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama. Regardless of your political party affiliation or if you do or do not think you agree with Obama's platform, the day was historic in the first black man becoming president.

If you go to, there is a lot of new information on the website regarding President Obama, information about the innauguration if you were not able to watch it, President Obama's economic agenda, etc.

Personally, I wish President Obama nothing but the best. I do hope that he is able to fire up and motivate the Congress to work together, to listen to the public, to all aspects and corners of the American public, not just bits and parts, and to rally our citizens and the world again in a positive way.

Good luck, Mr. President!

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