Monday, January 12, 2009

A new year, a new beginning? 2009

Welcome to the year 2009! Twelve days into the new is it for you?

Saturday night, January 10, we attended the Marysville Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting at the American Legion Club. It was nice to see such a wonderful turn out of folks at the dinner buffet, meeting, and dance. Outgoing chamber president Paula Landoll-Smith handed over the leadership reigns to incoming 2009 chamber president Sandy Schmitz. John Howard was recognized as the Ambassador of the Year...thank you to John for your work.

Chamber of Commerce
Retail Trade Committee
Events and Other Activities

January 10
Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting

February 1 -14
Romancing Marysville

March 19-21
Spring Fling

May 8-10
Mother's Day Promotion and Flea Market

July 4
4th of July Promotion

July 24 & 25
Sidewalk Sale

September 18-20
Citywide Garage Sales

October 30
Black Squirrel Night

November 27
Santa's Christmas Parade & Christmas Lighting

December 5
Dickens in Broadway

January 9, 2010
Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting

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