Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A news story caught my attention on the local evening news this evening out of Topeka. Manhattan city voters will have an issue on the ballot next week, Tuesday, November 4, which will address a smoking ban in certain areas of Manhattan. Called the "Clean Air Ordinance," if passed, Manhattan will join other communities across the country putting a ban on smoking in public areas.

The website, www.cleanairmanhattan.org states the following:

"The CAM Ordinance does NOT regulate smoking at:
Private residences and cars; parks;
golf courses;
parking lots, streets and sidewalks;
K-State grounds and parking lots, including tailgate parties;
private picnics and parties, outdoor public events such as Purple Power Play on Poyntz, Aggieville New Year’s Eve Celebration, Juneteenth, etc."

"Where smoking will be regulated by the ordinance:
Buildings in which the public is invited
Buildings in which employees work
20’ from entrances to above buildings
Seating areas at outdoor events, such as stadiums and bleachers
All hotels and motels
All bars, restaurants, and private clubs, including patios, will be smoke free ensuring a level playing field for over 18 bars that do not have enough space to provide smoking patios"

Okay, now I will admit that I found this data on a website for one side of the issue - primarily because I couldn't locate anyplace on the internet where the ordinance was printed that was "middle of the road." So, we'll go with this, and you can still make your own call on the matter.

The .pdf file on the ordinance can be read here:
It is about 9 pages.

I don't smoke. I've never smoked. Well, okay, once when I was in high school when I was with other girls who smoked I did try it; and again when I was in my early 20s and at a bar with friends I smoked another cigarette, but that was it. And I didn't really like it. I still don't like it. In fact, I don't like to go to bars anymore very much because of smoking (and I'm getting OLD). When we go to a restaurant, I request nonsmoking. It bothers me when I am near someone and I can smell old stale smoke on their clothes. Ick!

With that said, I personally don't support a public smoking ban. I totally cannot get into telling people what they can and cannot do with a "legal substance." If they want to ban smoking, then make tobacco illegal. Oh, I know, I have read and heard all about second hand smoke; and I agree, it's dangerous. So are a lot of other "second hand" things.

I appreciate when restaurants and bars have separate areas for smoking and nonsmoking. If a restaurant or bar is small and doesn't have room to separate, don't penalize the business. If they want to continue to offer smoking tables, then put a notice on the door that smoking and nonsmoking space is available, and the folks can choose whether they want to enter the establishment....if you don't smoke and don't wish to be around second hand smoke, then don't go into the establishment. To me, it's that simple.

Your thoughts?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry Lesa, I have to disagree with you on this one. I don't know how many times I have been at public events and have been sickened by second-hand smoke. We go to the races at Beatrice and it never fails that some chain smoker will sit beside us. Why should we be subjected to the ill effects of their bad habit?